Wednesday 6 November 2013

Best subject to study at college/university to become a Millionaire or even a Billionaire

Larry Page (Google $24.9 Billion),Sergey Brin (Google $24.4 Billion),Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook $19 Billion),Bill Gates (Microsoft $72 Billion),Steve Jobs(Apple $7 Billion),Sean Parker (Facebook/Napster $ 2 Billion), Kevin Systrom (Instagram $400 Million),David Karp (Tumblr $200 Million).

Do you know what is the common skill they have which made them millions and billions.The Answer is Computer Science.Seeing again and again all these people who have done Computer Science,programming/coding studies from University or elsewhere becoming millionaires,billionaires in short span of time is no fluke but a principle which really works in this modern age of technology.Larry Page,Sergey Brin,Kevin Systrom all have got Computer Science degrees and been to Stanford.Evidently the most popular course in Stanford is Computer Science.Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates went to Harvard.Even Kevin Systrom whose popular company Instagram which got acquired by Facebook,making him $400 million richer in few years has said that if had not been to the university and not taken an art/photography class which involved going out in Italy and taking pictures of surrounding/places as a part of Computer Science studies, he could have never developed ground breaking app like Instagram. All the simple thing you learn and discover can turn into a concept which can yield a revolutionary app or product.

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