Wednesday 6 November 2013

How I made £500($800 USD) in a week online from my bed on Amazon and Ebay

This is method is called Online Retail Arbitrage.First of all I opened a seller account in which was very easy and swift.I had amazon buyer account prior to that.Then I went to and searched through items from Argos ebay store on it.Argos sells 1000s of items via ebay.It was summer time and Argos was running Summer sale.It was selling Nokia Asha 302 Sim Free phones for £55 GBP with free delivery. After checking I found it was selling the same phone for about £85.So with my seller account I listed the Nokia 302 phone on amazon at below their £85 price, in the range of £70-75, making sure I would get profit of £10 per phone.I could have made more than £10 per phone even selling below amazon's £85 price but I was not greedy and stayed at £10 profit.When you list your item, before finishing listing it Amazon tells how much profit you would make if the item gets sold which can help you to figure out the selling price of your item on Amazon.Since my selling price was the cheapest, it was listed on the top of sellers list.In no time, my first got sold and got the payment from the buyer.Then I went to ebay argos store and bought the phone by making sure delivery address is the address of my customer of amazon.By doing this technique I sold 6 more phones then I thought this phone was on demand and selling like hot rolls, I bought 20 of them and stocked at home before it runs out at ebay argos store.Good thing about selling on amazon is that all the SEO,advertisement on google or elsewhere,affiliates for your item is done by Amazon for you.When I typed Nokia Asha 302 phone on google.The search result would show the phone from amazon on number 1 spot.

Listing on amazon is free as oppose to ebay which charges small amount.But when your item gets sold on amazon,it takes a cut.

Benefit of this method is that you don't need to invest or stock items at your home or warehouse.You can send item to your buyer after your get payment by buying from ebay and other online store.If you see an item cheaper on amazon, you can list the item on ebay and make a profit same way.Recently ebay has made available ebay fees calculator to calculate how much profit you can make.During that time i had around 100 items listed on amazon.I sold number of inflatable pools on ebay which I drop shipped from Amazon. A customer from my city asked me if she could pop in to my place to pick up the pool.Since I didn't have the pool with me, wiser thing was to say I dont stock it at home.Some pro sellers on this method say larger the items(tens of thousands) you list on amazon, larger the amount you can make.

Best subject to study at college/university to become a Millionaire or even a Billionaire

Larry Page (Google $24.9 Billion),Sergey Brin (Google $24.4 Billion),Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook $19 Billion),Bill Gates (Microsoft $72 Billion),Steve Jobs(Apple $7 Billion),Sean Parker (Facebook/Napster $ 2 Billion), Kevin Systrom (Instagram $400 Million),David Karp (Tumblr $200 Million).

Do you know what is the common skill they have which made them millions and billions.The Answer is Computer Science.Seeing again and again all these people who have done Computer Science,programming/coding studies from University or elsewhere becoming millionaires,billionaires in short span of time is no fluke but a principle which really works in this modern age of technology.Larry Page,Sergey Brin,Kevin Systrom all have got Computer Science degrees and been to Stanford.Evidently the most popular course in Stanford is Computer Science.Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates went to Harvard.Even Kevin Systrom whose popular company Instagram which got acquired by Facebook,making him $400 million richer in few years has said that if had not been to the university and not taken an art/photography class which involved going out in Italy and taking pictures of surrounding/places as a part of Computer Science studies, he could have never developed ground breaking app like Instagram. All the simple thing you learn and discover can turn into a concept which can yield a revolutionary app or product.

How do you know when your invested company is doing well ?

When its CEO deservedly so gets a huge fat bonus of £2.5 million.Antonio Horta-Osório, the CEO of Lloyds banking group is to get multi million pounds bonus next month in more than 3 million shares if the lloyds share can remain above 73.6p for at 30 consecutive days.

Not a bad deal for the head man who had to take sick days off during the start of economic recovery due to heavy work load.

Should I buy Lloyds Banking Group PLC (LLOY) shares?

As a owner of more than 27000 shares of the bank who have invested £10000 and been following its success since the recession and who has made profit of £12000 in little more than 1 year from the shares I would say YES.It will be surely beneficial if its shares are bought for long term investment.Even the prime minister David Cameron said "LLoyds shares must be bought and forgotten".I think that is a good idea to buy the bank's share and don't touch it for many years to see huge reward.Cameron said the share holders of the bank will get substantial profit in the year 2020.

Lloyds has kept aside around £8 billion pounds for PPI mis-selling as the media reported last week which I think was the reason for the bank dropping to 75.48 pence margin this week from 81.00 pence last week.By looking at the billions of pounds profit the bank is making, in no time this £8 billion pounds for PPI mis-selling will be recouped.

How I made £12000 ($19000 USD) in little more than a year doing NOTHING

Back in February 2012 I had just left my job.I literally walked out of the door where I had been standing all day as a Retail Security Officer at Primark. The job was boring,standing all day,looking at people from all walks of life coming in and out.My mild depression didn't help either which started 2 weeks earlier doing 12 hours night shifts at another location for the same company.I had been given final warning due to my alleged lack of performance that day.My supervisors were observing me through CCTV cameras.I could not bare standing hours at the door in that health condition hence I handed my Walkie-Talkie to my colleague who was a nice man and walked out of the door without saying anything to the supervisors which I believed was not necessary since they were all starring at me through the cameras.

On the news, UK was waking up/recovering from the recession hangover.Partly state owned banks such as RBS and LLoyds were picking up.Due to the past sky rocketing stock price history of LLoyds TSB(LLOY),reaching 900.00 pence at its peak days and knowing how government would bail the bank if anything happens again and the low good price of 35.00 pence a share.I invested £10,000($16000 USD) on the bank ,buying over 27000 shares.Since then I could hear nothing but praises of the bank and its share value performance on the media.The government has made profit to the billions of pounds investment it made to the bank bailing out during the recession.Last week it reached it's highest since recession at 81.00 pence per share,giving me handsome profit of £12000($19000 USD).I will make this long term investment and sell it when it will give me profit of more than £100,000.